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The main objective of this course is to help people do the Performance Testing in a more effective way. There are many courses in the market which teaches how to use Performance Testing tools like Loadrunner, Jmeter, Neoload etc but there is no course which teaches how to do Performance Testing the right way which encouraged me to make this course.
Creating a load test scripts using load testing tools like Loadunner or Jmeter is just one duty as a Performance Engineer. But to become a good Performance Engineer who can bring more value on to the table, there are lot of things a Performance Engineer should know and do.
The focus of this course will be more on Performance Testing (PT) and Performance Engineering (PE) Concepts & Best practices. This course will not be focusing on any specific PT tool or Application Monitoring Tool (APM), but rather, will be covering core PT and PE concepts. Once you master these core concepts, you will be able to apply these concepts in your projects using the Performance Testing tools of your choice.
We will be using JMeter to learn fundamental PT concepts like correlation, assertions etc. Whether you want to automate PT by integrating PT into the CICD pipeline or you want to build your own PT framework, knowledge of these core PT concepts is very important in order to build effective PT automation frameworks.
I have also added mini project where you can see Performance Tests in action. You can see scalability tests and auto scaling tests in action.

As of today, I have added below lectures . . .
- Introduction to Performance Testing (PT)
- Scope of Performance Testing & Performance Engineering
- Importance of Performance Testing • Software Testing Types
- Performance Testing Definitions
- Virtual Users, Response Time, 90th & 95th Percentiles, Throughput, Peak Load.
- Concurrent Users, Bottleneck, Correlation, Parameterization, Assertion, Think Time, Pacing.
- Importance of Performance Engineering in SDLC.
- Lectures on Performance Testing Life Cycle Phases - Test Planning, Test Preparation, Test Design, Test Executions & Analysis, Test Closure
- Microservices / REST API Scripting using Jmeter 5.3 ( More than 60 Minutes of content).
- Performance Testing of Microservices hosted on AWS ECS - With A Mini Project (You will also learn how to create AWS ECS Cluster, How to configure and test auto scaling alarms for AWS Elastic Container Service).
- Performance Testing of AWS Lambda (Serverless) / AWS Kinesis.

As of today, I have added below lectures . . .
- Introduction to Performance Testing (PT)
- Scope of Performance Testing & Performance Engineering
- Importance of Performance Testing • Software Testing Types
- Performance Testing Definitions
- Virtual Users, Response Time, 90th & 95th Percentiles, Throughput, Peak Load.
- Concurrent Users, Bottleneck, Correlation, Parameterization, Assertion, Think Time, Pacing.
- Importance of Performance Engineering in SDLC.
- Lectures on Performance Testing Life Cycle Phases - Test Planning, Test Preparation, Test Design, Test Executions & Analysis, Test Closure
- Microservices / REST API Scripting using Jmeter 5.3 ( More than 60 Minutes of content).
- Performance Testing of Microservices hosted on AWS ECS - With A Mini Project (You will also learn how to create AWS ECS Cluster, How to configure and test auto scaling alarms for AWS Elastic Container Service).
- Performance Testing of AWS Lambda (Serverless) / AWS Kinesis.
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